Old Stud Handmade originated Twenty-Some years ago and we are still growing.

Jeff Fuller, the founder of Old Stud Handmade, was born and raised in a small town in Illinois. It all started in 1989 when Jeff went on a trip to Europe and took a duffle bag of used US Levi’s 501 with him. He sold those in a blink of an eye and upon returning to the states he decided to leave his job and go into vintage. From trading Levi’s globally the interest for Native Belts and Silver developed. Jeff studied the craft with old leather craftsmen and developed his vintage belt business. He experimented many ways to produce a new version of the traditional belts at an affordable price compared to the true and rare vintage specimens.
Old Stud Handmade became the first U.S. company that was reinstating the old leather craftwork into a series of belt designs, wrist cuffs and other apparel and is known as one of the original forefathers and “Borrowed From” brands in the ever more popular artisinal leather goods space. Jeff’s phrase “Often Imitated, Never Duplicated” was born. This was twenty-some years ago and our quest for the best is never ending. Every day we look for better quality in materials, new materials, designs, concepts and processes. Unlike many other corporate brands we’d rather strive to spend a bit more and preserve the quality and value of our products, than to look for cheaper materials and ways to mass produce with “less of all”.
Traditionally U.S. Handcrafted without compromises, that is what we believe in and this upright philosophy has been appreciated over all these years. Our future … will never be mass manufacturing or mechanical production. We uphold our quest for the best and our passion for craftsmanship. We prefer to be more exclusive with great quality and to uphold the craft and tradition. Compromising is not in our vocabulary…we’d rather die with our belts strapped and our boots on!